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Wreaths Across America

Arlington National Cemetery, 2012



Craig Transportation Co. was proud to particiate in Wreaths Across America in December of 2012.  Craig Company Driver Michael Frybarger took a truckload full of wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery.  Craig CEO & President Lance C. Craig and son Lance F. Craig both attended the event in Washington D.C. honoring our Vetrans.  

Wreaths Across America's mission; Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies a specified Saturday in December at Arlington, as well as veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.  They also organize a week of events including international veteran’s tributes, ceremonies at State Houses and a week-long “Veteran’s Parade” between Maine and Virginia where we stop along the way to spread our message about the importance of remembering our fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms.

Truck Fleet Innovator of the Year - Lance C. Craig

Big Rig Magazine, 2008


Many companies tout themselves as “people” organizations, but seldom in this industry do they delve as deeply into the potentials of their people as Lance Craig, president and CEO of Ohio-based Craig Transportation. His company’s success is built around the principle that it’s the people who move the freight, not the trucks.  “We work really hard at trying to invest in our people,” Craig says. The people focus is evident in the company’s low turnover – about 35 percent. Several years ago, Craig put one of his top salespeople, Eric Stegman, in charge of recruiting and retention for the company’s drivers, who are primarily owner-operators.  “You really need your best people talking to your drivers,” Craig says.  “It’s just as important as talking to your customers.”

Craig Transportation & Driver Offer Time to Relief Run

​Perrysburg Messenger Journal

Craig Transportation Co, Perrysburg, OH and Ron Adams, and Independent owner-operator working for Craig, volunteered time and equipment to relief efforts in Palo, Iowa following the floods that ravaged the Mid-West in late June.

Adams volunteered his time and tractor for a relief run, while Craig provided the trailer, which was loaded with supplies donated by ISOH/Impact, a charitable organization also based in Perrysburg.

"Never Look Back" Philosophy was Music to His Ears
Transport Topics, 2002

Every Craig Transportation Co. trailer has a large arrow on the side, pointing forward. The arrow is a throwback to the company Dale Craig's father started in 1927, and a fitting symbol for the forward-thinking Craig.

"We cannot look back and solve our problems," he told Transport Topics. "The worst is behind us now. Things change and we must adapt to the changes. It is time to get moving."

Craig assumed the role of ATA chairman in 1984 it was a time when the association needed to move forward. Deregulation had changed the industry, and a new president was on his way to ATA. Craig was ready to not only look forward, but roll up his sleeves and pitch in.

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