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Spotting, Shuttling and Warehousing Services

Hostling Services: We are experts at drop lot and yard management. Our team of shuttle truck experts will take command to and from your dock doors in a safe and reliable manner. Consider our services to improve your warehouse and yard efficiencies.  Give us your start date, and let us do the rest.  From asset management to driver hire you can rest assured that all of your needs will be met.


​Warehousing Solutions:  Let us choose and customize the perfect solution for your operation.  With our experience in management, production and equipment you can be sure we won't leave any stone unturned. We will locate the proper space in the right location to ensure that your business runs exactly as you intend.  You will also have a personal solutions expert to tend to all of your questions or concerns.


​Customer Service: 24-hour access, to satisfy all customer needs.  A full 24-hour maintenance department and management to ensure all services are completed to customer satisfaction.







Contact Brock Pasley, General Manager,
to discuss all of your options!

800.521.9119 x 3139   or   419.261.1108
email:  brock.pasley@craigtransport.com

© 2024 Craig Transportation Co.

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